Monday, June 27, 2005

Sen. Bayh on the Energy Bill

It's nice to see that Sen. Bayh understands that MTBEs are a big problem for local communities with contaminated ground water.

"...MTBE is a fuel additive that has found its way into the ground water in 36 states, polluting the water supply for over 45 million people. Courtesy of Tom Delay, we have a provision in the energy bill that would allow the polluters to get off scot-free, while sticking the victims of the pollution – communities like South Bend, Indiana, -- with the tab for the clean-up. "

Too bad that Rep. Chocola (R-himself) doesn't get it. But then again he owns a large amount of stock in two MTBE pollutors, so maybe he does get it, and doesn't care.

As for Chocola's buddy Tom DeLay:

"...And Tom Delay has already indicated that if he doesn’t get his MTBE provision, we won’t get an energy bill at all. That’s not leadership."

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