Thursday, June 30, 2005

A Call to Arms

This is my call to arms message. I've heard in the past local Democrats and other people ask, "why there is not a strong presence of the Democratic party here in Logansport?"

The answers are multi-fold. Here are my perceptions. First, the stronger, older Democrats are dying off, and the younger Democrats are choosing not to return to our city because of lack of high-paying jobs, primarily.

Another variable that must be factored in is the absence of the unions and their power that have slowly been bled away through anti-union laws, closing down and re-opening factories as non-union (meaning lower wages), and exportation of factories to other countries. Anyone left in this town, is apt to be a business-owner who is more likely to be Republican in favor of their company's interests (which is a fallacy for smaller business owners, by the way) or apt to be an employee of a business which more than likely doesn't pay a sole "livable" wage in comparison to surrounding areas and bigger cities. So this leaves us with a predominantly poorer group of Democrats who are unable to give the energy, time, and money towards a more active local Democratic party. Of course, we Democrats do have a few lawyers, farmers, and other miscellaneous professionals scattered about but they are also very busy people in practice.

There was also an article in the local paper discussing how people no longer attend meetings or participate in groups anymore as in the past and the reasons why. I believe this is also another factor.

Many in the Republican party tend to be business owners who are able to make time to attend meetings and can work their schedules around such activities if they choose. They are also more able to donate large sums of money to their party AND on a regular basis.

So my proposition to members of this local Democratic party is "to be the change you wish to see in the world". Nothing will happen if you don't participate. If your values and interests are THAT important to you, then we need the manpower. Right now, there maybe be more, but I've only seen a handful of people doing whatever it is they can do. Sure, I have many ideas and plans but I can't carry them out all by myself. Ask yourself, "what do I value and how can I demonstrate that value through my local party?" "What can I do for my community in the name of my Democratic party that would show what I value and have it reflect onto the party?" I have ideas for developing all kinds of groups and activities that would demonstrate Democratic party values but I have no volunteers willing to step up to the plate. I know you are out there. I've heard you speak.

Sometimes, it takes personal sacrifice in order to achieve a reality. There is something for even the most disabled in our party to do. The slate is open. You can do everything from stuffing envelopes, to phone calls, to leading a sub-group, to precinct chairman, to fundraising, to communications, to organizing, to poll-workers, to registering people, to booth-working, to running for an office, etc.

A handful of people cannot do all of this. Take the initiative and step forward unless your values are not that important to you.

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