Sunday, July 17, 2005

The Cost of the War in Iraq on National Security

The strength of our national security rests squarely on the shoulders of our volunteer armed forces. And while the military remains the most respected institution in the country we now see a sharp decline in the willingness of parents to allow their children to join the military, down to 51% from 65% in 1999. Why?

"Deb Morris, who already has one son serving in Iraq, had a quick answer when his brother talked about joining the military. "I said, 'No way.' "

The Beech Grove mother said she supports the troops but wants them home. "I'm not proud that we invaded Iraq."

Combined with the consistent inability of the Army and Marines to meet their recruiting goals we are setting ourselves up for some very unsavory choices. We have a long term/ high troop count involvement in Iraq, we find ourselves faced with difficult choices if Al Qaeda takes root in a new country, or returns to an under staffed Afghanistan.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very interesting.