Monday, June 27, 2005

An interesting take on the "Downing Street Memo"

Actually I like this article not so much for Molly Ivins' take on the DSM, but rather her rebuke of Thomas Friedman.

"Here are some aggravating factors. Thomas Friedman, columnist for the New York Times, recently wrote that "liberals" no longer want to talk about the war because we were against it to start with and probably hope it ends in disaster. Good Lord, who does he think we are? Does this man actually think we are out here cheering every time another American is killed?
Mr. Friedman, real, actual, honest-to-God American liberals are out here in the heartland, and we know the kids who are dying in Iraq. They are from our hometowns. We know their parents. That's why we hate this war. That's why we tried to tell everybody else it was a ghastly idea."

The only thing I would add is that some of these kids dying in Iraq are American liberals. But then Friedman, or Karl Rove for that matter, wouldn't know anything about that.

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