Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Fair and Balanced

I realize that a great deal of Cass County gets it's news from Fox, if not from FNC, then from the national feed that is ran on the local radio station, all with the tag "We report you decide." Fox loves to claim neutrality, Fair and Balanced, right? Of course not, anybody reading this post knows better then that, but for the first time somebody at Fox is actually admitting it. Scott Norvell, the London bureau chief for Fox wrote an op-ed in the European edition of the Wall Street Journal taking the BBC to task for it's liberal bias, and was probably a little more truthful then his bosses would have liked:

"Even we at Fox News manage to get some lefties on the air occasionally, and often let them finish their sentences before we club them to death and feed the scraps to Karl Rove and Bill O'Reilly. And those who hate us can take solace in the fact that they aren't subsidizing Bill's bombast; we payers of the BBC license fee don't enjoy that peace of mind.
Fox News is, after all, a private channel and our presenters are quite open about where they stand on particular stories. That's our appeal. People watch us because they know what they are getting. The Beeb's institutionalized leftism would be easier to tolerate if the corporation was a little more honest about it."

Interesting how he brought Rove into this. O'Reilly, the giant and useless tool that he is, is an employee of FNC, but Karl Rove is in no way associated with Fox. Right? To me this is the astonishing part, not admitting the bias, but admitting that there is coordination with Rove.

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