Thursday, August 25, 2005

Ethics are for Others: Business as usual

So the Indiana GOP is sending out emails that state "Chairman Kittle and the governor's office are coordinating with Commissioner Sharp's office in relaying concerns that our friends in the transportation industry are currently having" and offering an opportunity "personally relay concerns you and your firm may be having." Who were the emails sent to? Engineering firms hoping to win highway construction contracts. And as we here in Indiana are well aware there will be a lot less highway construction under Mitch, so the GOP wants to offer it's "friends" an opportunity to be heard. Gee I wonder how a engineering firm can make sure the GOP hears them?

Mitch's excuse? "Instead of condemning the promise of access, Daniels argued that Democrats acted worse when they ran INDOT."

Ever notice how that is his excuse for everything? Ever actually hear Mitch site a specific situation when making one of his claims? Neither have I.

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